The Launch has come!

3 min readMar 12, 2021


First of all, thank you to everyone who has participated in the presale. It means a lot to us and the whole WaterDefi community! We managed to reach our Presale Hard Cap 16 hours before the end! I have to say, it was a rough few days. 😃

Now, the Launch has come, 13 March 2021, 3 PM (GMT+0)!

How will launch happen?

As soon as launch time is here, we will create a Pancakeswap $WATER-BNB LP Pool and add liquidity using 400,000 $WATER!

Then, we will burn 50% of the LP Tokens provided! THIS ENSURES THAT WE CANNOT RUGPULL!

After that, the other 50% of the LP Tokens will be locked in a Unicrypt Liquidity Vault for 3 Months. This should be enough time and after that, we will relock again. Why such a short time? It’s to make sure we have the LP accessible in-case we want to do some form of Migration. We are locking the rest of the tokens to assure you that there is no rug-pull!

This is the main plan for the Launch. As soon as a successful launch we will continue with our goal to Provide Airdrops, Create Partnerships, Work towards an Audit, and more!

We expect around 8–10% burn as soon as the launch has progressed! ⭐️

This is just a small finger into the great lake of Water Finance! Prepare to 🚀 🌕!

  • Initial Liquidity: 400,000 $WATER (-10% Transaction Fee for Providing Liquidity)
  • Initial Price Ratio: 5000 $WATER / BNB (The same as Presale, as promised!)
  • LP Burned (%): 50%
  • LP Locked (%): 50%

Other Answers

Why is a wallet holding over 50% of the supply? This is the Developer Address and 400,000 $WATER will be used for providing Liquidity. The rest will be split equally for Marketing and Developer Personal Fund, keeping track of every transaction to make sure it is a Pure Split.

What are you going to do with the Marketing BNB? The rest of the BNB that is not used for Liquidity (80BNB used for liquidity) will be used for Marketing and Project progression purposes. In the first days, we will use that BNB to stake into an auto-compounding STABLE POOL that will generate daily income that we can use for Airdrops, Buybacks, Audit Payments, Marketing/Advertising, and more! This is to ensure maximum efficiency of our funds!

Tell me more about the dApp Ecosystem…😉 We are looking to create a dApp Ecosystem with a 2nd Token which is going to be used for Startup and Project Farming and Governance. This token will only be minted by burning… $WATER! The new token will also have a transaction fee, however small, possibly 1–2% which will only be used to burn the token supply. We are also looking to release an NFT Market system, lottery, and more! More information coming in the future!

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Written by WaterDeFi

The ultimate reflective/deflationary BSC protocol token.

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